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As Former Gov. Reubin Askew is Laid to Rest, A Look at the Sunshine Laws He Supported

March 19, 2014 | WMFE, Orlando - Family members, lawmakers and friends of Former Gov. Reubin Askew met in Tallahassee for his memorial service today. It's fitting that Askew's funeral is being held this week, dubbed 'Sunshine Week' after Florida's open government laws--the former Governor was a strong supporter of transparency in government.

In 1967, then-Senator Reubin Askew supported what would become a trailblazing law requiring openness in government, known as the Sunshine Law.

At the time, a law allowing public access to government meetings was revolutionary. Now, it seems almost like an afterthought as many meetings are live streamed online for anyone to access.

Ellyn Angelotti, a faculty member of social media and law at The Poynter Institute, says Florida set a precedent for other states.

“It’s really led the way to encourage other states to follow some of the same standards Florida has set in place for government records and transparency,” she says.

Askew then went on to lead a campaign to pass Florida’s 1976 Sunshine Amendment, which requires financial disclosure by all public officials, candidates and employees.