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Orange County Remembers Fallen Firefighters, 25 Years On

February 24th, 2014 | WMFE, Orlando- Monday morning Orange County pays tribute to two firefighters who died 25 years ago, after a burning gift-shop roof collapsed on them. The incident prompted a law change to try and make firefighters safer.

[Orange County Fire Rescue Battalion Chief Mark Smothers. Photo- Matthew Peddie, WMFE]

The roof of the Lake Buena Vista gift shop which collapsed on firefighters Todd Aldridge and Mark Benge on February 24th, 1989 was lightweight truss construction.

Battalion Chief Mark Smothers – who was also at the gift shop fire- says the owners of buildings with lightweight truss construction roofs and floors now have to post a warning sign at the entrance.

“It allows the firefighters to know that that roof after ten minutes or so of being involved, could collapse," says Smothers.

"It just gives us an awareness to make it safer for not only us but to help the occupants, find the occupants.” 

Since the establishment of Orange County Fire Rescue in 1981, Todd Aldridge and Mark Benge have been the department’s only fireground related fatalities.

Smothers says their legacy is the Aldridge-Benge Firefighter Safety Act passed in 2009. 

The memorial ceremony at Orange County Fire Rescue headquarters begins at 11am. 

Smothers says it's a chance to reflect on the hazards facing firefighters. 

“We will have a ringing of the bell ceremony, we will have an honor guard," says Smothers.

"We don’t want to forget the tragedy that occurred, the significant sacrifice of Mark and Todd, we want to continue moving forward and keep our firefighters safe.”