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Accidental Binge Drinking a Risk on New Year's Eve

Recent studies suggesting that moderate alcohol consumption can be good for your health may have you thinking about ringing in the New Year with a little bubbly. But a moderate amount of alcohol can quickly swing into the realm of binge drinking- and many people don't know where that line is drawn.

If you’ve ever wondered about whether you consume too much or too little of anything- the United States Department of Agriculture is the place to check. And that includes alcohol. The USDA website says moderate alcohol consumption could be beneficial- moderate is one drink per day for women, two for men. But Winter Park Police Department Tom Pearson says a lot of people don’t realize that even a single drink can impair judgment.

“Your judgment is impaired with as little as .02 BAC, and that only takes one drink for a very lightweight person, two at the most for a typically statured person,” he says.

A person with impaired judgment can easily forget the one drink rule they may have set for themselves. According to the USDA-women reaching for a fourth glass within two hours are officially binge drinking. Likewise for men who have 5 drinks within a two hour period. Pearson says your best defense against getting carried away is to have a designated driver who is also willing to keep an eye on your alcohol consumption.